Edition 1 - Featuring performances from Toyah, The Fizz & Chesney Hawkes - Interviews and Pop Quiz.
Edition 2 - Featuring performances from Owen Paul, Marty, Kim & Roxanne Wilde, Paul Young & Leee John - Interviews and Pop Quiz.
Edition 3 - Featuring performances from Limahl, The Vapors & Right Said Fred.
Plus Exclusive Interview with Sir Cliff Richard and Pop Quiz.
Edition 4 - Featuring performances from Steve Harley, Marty, Kim & Roxanne Wilde. More chat with Sir Cliff plus Interviews and Pop Quiz.
Edition 5 - Featuring performances from Johnny Hates Jazz, Limahl, The Fizz, Paul Young & Leee John from Imagination. Interviews and Pop Quiz.
Bonus Edition - Featuring all the classic performances from all the artists on the series. Festive themed Pop Quiz, Heritage Videos and the leather jacket presentation in aid of Parkinson's UK.
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